Saturday, June 25, 2011


Dear Luke,

Your trip to Iceland is winding down. You have been so fortunate to go on this trip of a lifetime. Lets back up, your soccer team that has beeen together for years had tryouts this year and you will all soon be going your separate ways. Your coach decided to do an amazing trip to do a tournament to Iceland. Originally, we were all going to go, but dad couldn't get off work and we just couldn't swing it for all of us. Luckily, Ken and Kathy Peterson offered to take you. They are amazing people and I am so grateful they allowed you to have this chance. You were so excited! A bit nervous, you packed and unpacked your suitcase 6 times because you were so worried about forgetting something. My little detail oriented child, I love it!!! Anyway, you went off and we were so sad to see you go. I tried to hold back my tears, but you know me I couldn't hold it in! I let a few tears lose. We are so lucky you are with such thoughtful people. They have let you call us every other day and they Blog about your trip everyday and post pictures and videos. WE are so proud of you Luke. You did this trip and you did it with a smile! Everyone has told us you are so easy and get a long with everyone so well! As a parent you have no idea what that means to us! Plus, you scored a sweet goal with your left foot! You went horseback riding, whale watching, splunking, and swimming in the hot springs to name a few. Luke, I am so glad you have had this opportunity. Embrace all these "aha" moments and treasure them because they are gone with a blink of an eye! I love you so much and I have missed you more than you will ever know!

All my love,