Thursday, December 2, 2010


So my Aunt Linda gave me this crystal that is supposed to be lucky or something and if you place it in a certain corner of your home, good things will happen to you in abundance. While I have had it since Saturday and I am not sure if it is in the wrong corner or what but some weird things have been happening. First, I have had horrible diarrhea and I mean horrible to the point where I can't be too far from the bathroom. Is this what is meant by abundance? Then my computer went got all messed up and had not 1 not 2 but 17 viruses in just a few minutes. Hmm abundance?? Yesterday I had 5 people cancel on volunteering at the school's Holiday Gift Shop next week. The calls all came in a row. I know this sounds silly to be worried about but the shop only works if we have enough volunteers. I have been doing this for years and it is the first time that more than 1 volunteer cancelled.
Finally, today I went on a field trip with Luke's class to Addenbrooke park. It is a really neat idea. They go once a month to observe nature and the changes that different seasons make. Well, first it was weird we get there and there are hundreds of geese everywhere. We go to this park a lot and I have never seen so many geese. It was odd. While with that many geese comes...yep you guessed it lots of droppings, I mean everywhere. So one of the little darlings in my group was walking on the rocks and slipped and fell into the cold pond. Did I say that it is December 2nd. Very cold. No worries, he is fine, just a little wet and cold. While I was trying to get him out I slipped on the "abundant" amount of goose droppings and fell down. I was wet and dirty and cold too. I had goose poop everywhere, in my hair in my ears all over my clothes. It was nuts. You would have thought I rolled around in it, which I guess basically is what it looked like I did. Well, needless to say the kids's parents, teacher, and principal were not happy about this. My take, it was an accident, but he is fine. There take, it could be a potential lawsuit. His take, his new shoes are ruined. Luke's take, worried his mom will never be able to go on a field trip again.
So lots of weird things with this abundance crystal. I think I placed it in the wrong area. I am going to move it tomorrow and await the wonderful things that happen to me in abundance!

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