Friday, January 14, 2011

Dear Alyncia,

You sure do keep me on my toes. From the minute you wake up until the minute you go to bed right next to me your amazing mind is wandering. You never cease to amaze me. It is time for the Science Fair at the school and for your brothers it is required, for you it is just optional. So we came up with a great idea. To see if the shape and color affect how long helium balloons will stay in the air. Perfect for a kindergartner. You went and told Mrs. Murray that you didn't really like that project. She asked you what you wonder about. Well, since Aunt Emily is pregnant you said you were wondering about how someone has a baby. You told her I know I grew in my mommy's tummy but that is all I know. She told you to talk to your mom and you said I did but she said I came from god. I don't know I just can't justify explaining that to a 6 year old. So you have been asking everyone: dad, grandma, and now your teacher. If there is something you want to know you are going to find out! You are a lot of fun! I hope you never stop asking questions and I hope you never lose your zest for life. You truly are a joy to be around.

I love you with all my heart!

Love Always,

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