Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Fun

The summer seems to be whizzing by. You know it is almost over when school supplies line the shelves of the stores. Weather here has been crazy first it rained and hailed and rained some more for weeks. It did do some damage to our cars but nothing too bad. Now it is just too hot to function. And the mosquitos...ugh if I get bit one more time. We all look like we have some weird disease because we have been bit so much. We had Alyncia's birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese and it was a lot of fun. A couple of her friends came and she just loves being the center of attention. She got a Justin Beiber CD and is driving her brothers and dad nuts by playing it all the time. I hate to say this out loud but it is growing on me. He really isn't that bad. We are having Luke's party this Wednesday at Jump street. I know parties are a bit delayed this year but his trip to Iceland was quite costly and so we are getting to parties a bit late. I am sure my children will hold this against me for years when they are grown up. But, hey remember you got your party!
Tye has been busy playing club basketball. He has been working so hard. He goes out every morning and even practices on his own. I feel so bad for him. This team does not treat him very well. If he makes one mistake they pull him right away, all the while other kids make many mistakes and it doesn't happen to them. It is so hard to know what is right to do with this team. I know this is one of those tough experiences that kids need to go through and it will make him stronger. However, seeing his confidence fade away is very hard for a mother to deal with. How can we protect our children yet let them live and experience life? I have not yet mastered that balance. This team has some shady characters. The coaches are not the most moral individuals. They have lied, cheated and are just not people we would normally associate with. The kids cuss, talk back to their parents and all around really are brats. I know that isn't nice to say about kids but it is the truth. Now the problem? The problem is this is a great opportunity for Tye he is becoming more aggressive and the parents are so competitive and aggressive just like us. My husband stuck up for Tye today and it wasn't pretty. He is the type of guy that sits back and doesn't say much but lets it build up until he can't take it anymore. Because if his large size he can be quite intimidating. He is Tye's biggest advocate and even though he pushes Tye very hard it is only because he loves him and wants him to have the opportunities he did not have. Nobody ever said parenting was easy. I will say it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. Some days are rough but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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