Monday, November 15, 2010

Dear Luke,

You are amazing! You had your first basketball tournament with your new competitive team this weekend and you guys won the championship! Your team went undefeated. You played absolutely amazing! I can't believe how far you have come in a year. I am sure a lot of it has to do with that you are so happy with your dad and uncle Travis as your coaches. I can't believe how hard you played. In the last game I could see how tired you were and when you got slammed into the floor and hurt your arm I thought for sure you were out. I was wrong! You are a lot tougher than we give you credit for. I know it had to hurt (the swelling and bruising alone are evidence). Yet, you said you couldn't let your team down.
I think what I am most proud of (don't get me wrong you know how competitive I am). I love to win. You enjoyed the limelight for exactly 2 minutes than you came up and whispered, "Do you think Tye's team will win?" You could have, you should have enjoyed your moment Luke, you earned it. Yet, your brother had another game to play to even make it to the championship and you were concerned about him. We all kept telling you how great you were and your team was and you kept bringing up Tye and how good he is, and do you think he will win? So Luke while this letter seemed like it was going to be about playing 4 great games in a weekend, it is more about your great character. You are not the center of attention a whole lot, and when you are what do you do, you turn the tables and show what a great heart you have by worrying about your brother. So, Luke the real reason why you are so amazing, (beside your athletic ability) is your ability to read other people, and know when they are hurt, happy, upset or just need a little boost. Your huge heart and sensitivity to others will never cease to amaze me Luke. I am honored and privileged to be your mother. Thank You for allowing me to share such an wonderful moment with you. So Tye's team didn't win the championship. Tye played great, probably better than ever but they came up a little short. You wouldn't let us bring up your winning at all the entire night. When I asked you if you wanted to wear your championship shirt to school, I could tell you did.. you hesitated and said nah its alright I don't want Tye to feel sad. Luke, that is great that you are so caring toward your brother, but you know what it is ok to focus on yourself once in a while (I know you will rarely do this in your life). It would make me so happy to see you do that. You are an amazing young person Luke. I only hope everyone around you realizes how we are all better for knowing you.

I love you with all my heart and then some!


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