Saturday, May 28, 2011


Dear Tye,

We had your 6th grade continuation last night. As you know I was pretty emotional about all of this. I am still waiting for a pause button to be invented so we can pause these moments because it is going way too fast. We got there early so we could get great seats and you were sitting right in front of us. It couldn't have been better! We sat there looking you all dressed up looking a little nervous and then you flashed us your beautiful smile. I couldn't help it, I tried to hold back but the tears started rolling. I remembered when you started kindergarten. You stood on the wall of Mrs. Burris' room on the first day of school with your spiderman t-shirt and your magic button pants and looked so scared. You sensed my stress too and there you did it again you flashed your big smile. Oh Tye, you are growing up too fast! It was a lovely ceremony. You got some awesome awards: Honor Roll for the trimester, Honor Roll for the whole year, the P.E. award for being an amazing athlete and good sportsmanship, a recycling team award, and last but not least a citizenship award. I am proud of all your accomplishments but probably most so of the citizenship because it means that you are listening and practicing what I preach about hard work and being a good person. Mrs. Scheppers gave a heartfelt speech about you. She said how you set goals in basketball and in school and how you meet those goals. She talked about what a hard worker you are and she said in her teaching career she has not had as many kids that work as hard as you do and you have been such an asset to her classroom. Ok so by this time I am full fledged crying. I am so proud of you Tye. You are such a hard worker and you are such a good person too. You have reason to brag and boast and yet you do not do that and that shows true character. I hope last night is the first of many nights when you will be receiving awards and be honored. I have a feeling it will be. Your speaker was Representative Andy Kerr and he kept going on and on about how you only have 6 years left until you graduate high school. I was like ok we get it, stop saying that! We have less time left with you at home than we have had so far and it makes me sad Tye. I know growing up is inevitable but I really wish we could slow it down because I do enjoy you so. You all ended your continuation with the "Coal Mine" dance which you did up in Outdoor Lab. You were absolutely adorable. You are so shy yet you did the moves even if it was begrudgingly. And no worries I taped it so it will be with you always! When we went into the reception I had teachers and aids coming up and saying what an amazing family we have and how great our kids are. Dad & I could not have been prouder, not because of what others were saying but because in are hearts we knew they were speaking the truth. The last thing Mrs. Scheppers said to me was and I quote, "Your son is amazing April, but you already know that right?" You are amazing Tye and yes I did already know that. I knew it the day you were born. I cannot believe in a few short months you will be in middle school. I hope and pray those years are easier on you than they were on me. I love you with all my heart and then some Tye. I am so proud of you! Never stop working hard. And if you ever invent something make sure it is something to slow down time so I can have more of it with you!!!

All My Love,

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