Sunday, May 15, 2011

WOW! It has been a while since I last posted. Life just has been too busy. The end of the school year is winding down and I must admit I am a bit saddened by it all. All 3 kids had extraordinary teachers this year, and really how often does that happen that you love all 3 of their teachers? I can't believe Tye will be in middle school next year. He is still hoping to get into Manning but so far no word. He will be fine at the other school, but for some reason he doesn't want to go there. He has decided not to continue to play soccer. It makes me sad. He is so good and he has been playing since he was 3 years old. He wants to focus on basketball year round. I worry he will get burned out, but it is what he wants. So I am trying not to be the control freak that I am and let him make the choice. He is playing club basketball with a new team. They are very good we just worry Tye isn't getting the ball handling that he needs with them. They just want 2nd place in a tournament today. Luke is doing so much better in school. I am so proud of him. He is finally putting in some effort. He and I have been butting heads a lot lately. I know I am too hard on him at times, but boy when he gets that mouth going it really gets to me. We had a long talk about both of us making better choices and what it is going to take on both of our parts to get a long. I really tried to make him see that I realize I need to work on it too. So we made a deal and it has been a great couple of days. He is wrapping up his soccer season. He has one more game next week then he has tryouts the first week of June to play competitive. He has some great ball skill and he has his size and strength on his side. We are hoping he makes the 2nd level team. He really likes it. We are getting his passport for Iceland tomorrow. He leaves in 1 month. So excited for him. It is going to be an amazing trip! Alyncia just had "The 3 Piggy Opera" a play at school. She played the part of the narrator and she played the piano before it began. She is such the performer! She looked absolutely adorable and spoke loudly and clearly. We had so much fun watching her! She is doing great at gymnastics. She goes 3 times a week now for 2 hours which at times is a bit grueling to sit through but she loves it so I make it through. I must admit somedays are better than others! I just do not understand why people allow their children to run amok and scream and yell and sit on their butts and just watch them! I just don't get it.

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